Why Do Leaf Removal?

Why Do Leaf Removal?

Autumn is a second spring when every leaf is a flower.

We all love this time of year when the trees are changing color! We love going for drives on the back roads taking in the scenery, while drinking our coffee or cider. Then all the beauty drops to the ground, and makes a mess on our yards and carried into our homes!

We would like to encourage you to pick up the leaves as soon as possible. Why you may ask? The leaves left on the ground make a mess, and if there collected or cleaned your neighbors will be unhappy. These leaves pile up, and act like a mat which will cause diseases to grow, and kill the grass. Here are some options to fpr fall clean ups, or you can just contact us to take care of it for you!

Rake the leaves!

Rake up your leaves put them in bags or on to the street (Check with your town to see if they pick up leaves). Even better you can rake the leaves, and throw them into your compost!
Bag it!

Take your mower with the bag on it and run over the leaves. You will need to drive over the leaves a couple of times eventually it will bag them all up! You’re most likely going to have to do this a couple times a season!

Mulch it up

You can use your mower with mulching blades, and run over the leaves. Make sure it is mowed often so the leaves are not too thick! It should mulch the leaves up very fine where you don’t even see them. This method gives nutrients back to the lawn. This is our preferred method, your lawn needs to be mowed every couple of days to look good!

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